Official T-Shirts Presented to Kandakuliya and Ammathottam "Together With Mangroves" Youth Environmental Society Groups

Date: 19th Oct 2024

Today, the Together With Mangroves initiative celebrated a significant moment for its Youth Environmental Society members from both the Kandakuliya and Ammathottam areas of Kalpitiya. The Mangrove Museum officially presented the groups with their dedicated T-shirts, marking their official recognition as part of this important conservation journey.

These T-shirts serve as a powerful symbol, much like an identity card, representing their commitment to the cause and their role as key ambassadors for mangrove protection. The members from both communities now proudly wear the shirts as they continue to engage in activities that contribute to safeguarding our environment.

Following the presentation, the Museum Director held a productive discussion with both teams. The conversation focused on the future plans for the Together With Mangroves program, encouraging the youth to share their ideas and actively participate in shaping the next steps for their environmental work. This collaboration highlights the growing momentum behind their efforts and the important role these young leaders will play in the coming months.

"Together With Mangroves initiative: Youth Environmental Society members in Kandakuliya, Kalpitiya, collaborating with Lanka Mangrove Museum on mangrove conservation."
  • #MangroveConservation
  • #YouthEnvironmentalSociety
  • #TogetherWithMangroves
  • #KalpitiyaConservation
  • #MangroveNursery
  • #SustainableFuture
  • #EnvironmentalEducation
  • #Ammathottam
  • #Kandakuliya
  • #MangroveMuseum
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