The IUCN threat status of 36 mangrove provinces worldwide.

Hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclonic storms An increase in the frequency and intensity of storms is likely to affect mangroves in the near future, notably in the Western Coral Triangle (in the western Pacific Ocean) and the Warm Temperate Northeast Pacific Ocean.

Oil and gas Together with agricultural expansion, oil and gas exploration and production are the major drivers of losses in the southern Gulf of Guinea. Sea-level rise For many mangrove areas, especially those with limited/reduced freshwater and sediment input, sea-level rise is the main threat. Mangrove lost in the recent past Conversion of mangroves for agriculture and aquaculture has been the main cause of mangrove loss in recent decades, particularly in Southeast Asia. Mangrove loss trends are giving way to optimism with slower trends in many countries.

IUCN Threat Status of Mangrove Around the World_rotated by lankamangrovemuseum on Scribd

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