Second Free Tutoring Program
On February 10, is the second day of the free tutoring program for science and math for the “Together with Mangroves” Youth Society members. On this day, Ms. Samadhi made an explanation of plant growth for the attendees using multimedia. It will be very helpful for them to take care of the mangrove nursery as well as for their self-understanding and for their studies too. She has also given math lessons on Saturdays.
Every Wednesday, the youth society members gather to take English lessons from Ms. Dilki, the education officer of the Lanka Mangrove Museum.
The free tutoring program scheduled as follows:
- Every Wednesday – English (2 hours from 3- 5 pm) – Instructor, Dilki Shanika, Education Officer
- Every Saturday – Science (1 hour from 8.30 – 9.30 am) – Instructor, W. N. Samadhi Thissera
-Maths(1 hour from 9.30 to 10.30 am) – Instructor, W. N. Samadhi Thissera
The tutoring hours may be changed depending on the subject matter.