New Year Celebration at the Lanka Mangrove Museum

With new hope, the Lanka Mangrove Museum personnel and Mangroves Youth Society youth celebrated New Year 2024. We celebrated in the New Year by lighting the hearth. (Kiri Ithiriima is a very significant traditional ritual in Sinhalese, exactly as boiling milk in a new clay cooking pot and the overflowing of milk symbolize bringing good luck to the entire year.) After that, the museum personnel and the children planted the Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea mangrove plant on the premises of the mangrove museum. It is one of Sri Lanka’s rare mangrove species. In Sinhala, it is known as Kalu Kadol. Following the planting of these valuable mangrove species, the youth society would like to take care of the plant beginning on the first of January in order to ensure its survival.

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