
Seacology’s mission is to protect threatened island ecosystems all over the world. They do that by working directly with communities, helping to preserve cultures and improve lives while saving precious island habitats.

Leela Padmini Batuwitage

Seacology Field Representatives, Sri Lanka

"Rise and Shine," a morning TV show in Sri Lanka

Introduction to seacology

Seacology’s Leela Padmini Batuwitage and Karen Peterson appeared on “Rise and Shine,” a morning TV show in Sri Lanka, earlier this week to talk about our mangrove-conservation project there.

Fundraising Project

Save the Lanka Mangrove Museum

The pandemic and an unprecedented economic collapse in Sri Lanka shuttered this first-of-its-kind museum, built as part of our nationwide conservation project from 2015-19. Beginning this Earth Day, you can help us reopen this unique museum and support the dedicated volunteers who have maintained it through extraordinarily difficult times.

Sri Lanka Mangrove Conservation Project

  • Over 14,500 hectares of mangrove forest have been demarcated and educational sign boards have been installed in almost 50 lagoons and estuary systems;
  • In 2017, the project propagated 703,800 mangrove seedlings;
  • More than 7,900 women and young people have been trained in mangrove conservation and 2,893 have received microloans to create or expand sustainable businesses and foster financial stability.

Video & Images owned by the activity partners, all rights reserved.

Recent Projects in Sri Lanka

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